Sunday, January 29, 2012

Baby Quilt for MKE

Earlier this year, I found out that my friend from elementary school, Tracie Moore (now Egelston) was having a baby girl.  I needed a distraction from serious things going on in my family, so I decided I'd make her baby quilt.  I asked her what colors, etc.  She said her husband picked out a pink cowgirl theme.  I spent the rest of my summer in Utah trying to find fabric I thought would work.  I combined fabric from lots of lines and from my stash. Once I got back to Washington, I got to work.  I decided on a disappearing nine-patch.  The top came together easily.  Then I decided to hand quilt it instead of machine quilting or tying it.  I had a brilliant idea to add "brands" to the quilt and special touches.  It took two months to quilt it (mostly because I had just started the school year).  I loved how it turned out.  It arrived just a day or two after Tracie's daughter was born.
finished quilt at my house
If you turn this image counterclockwise you will see Tracie & her Husband's first initials put together like a brand in the quilting

Last initial

turn clockwise and it's big brother's initial
Baby's initials

I used an awesome pink and brown plaid on the back

MKE & her quilt


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